Monday, May 25, 2015


  1. Be decisive: From most observations, it has been recorded that majority of humans do  not decide on how their day will eventually fall out to be. In fact, most people just wake to see anything and accept anything the sunny day offers. This should be a  great objection in your everyday lifestyle. Do more about making great decisions as to how you want your week to begin.
  2.  Wake Up Early: Monday signifies the beginning of the week. It would be  greatly disappointing if you wake up late to the start of the week. This shows that you have already decided to have an awful week ahead, even when you have not deliberately decided on doing that.
  3.  Be positive: A positive mindset always yield positive words and positive actions. When your thoughts are negative, there is no magic that would promote your emotions and moods to become positive. You are the only one who can forcefully decide on what thought that would govern your mind. If you stick to this, trust me, your week will be filled with euphoria.
  4.  Plan your Day: It is only a foolish person that works without plans   and directions. Master the art of planning your day even the previous night. This would remove every form of stress and worry when you wake up in the morning.
  5. Get Busy: Laying on your bed on a monday is a bad feeling. You should practice the attitude of being busy. It elevates your spirit and removes distress and negative thoughts of setback and delay from your mind. 
 PS: These tips are tested and work effectively if practiced with great efforts.Enjoy a blessed week ahead.

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