Saturday, May 23, 2015


   When we hear of the word "cult", we often incline it to evil. This is perfectly true and we are honestly correct with our assumptions. Reportedly, it has been  noticed that this so called group thrives amongst the youths of our generation. Okay! First things first let me give you a hint. What is a cult? This is some question that shallow minded people try to evade with the notion of making  it seem a little bit flexible and not very contagious. Well, A cult could be viewed from various perspectives and sight, but in this light, it is referred to as a group of individuals who come together to promote violence, killings and disorder in a given society.  
   To be quite  honest with you, i really think cultism has no positive impact in anyone. Why indulge in destruction and killings just to have the mindset that you are being protected from evil while in the true basis, you are actually promoting destruction and crime. It adds no true value to what you already are but rather it takes away your peace, focus and sinks you into the depths of worry, failure and regrets. Abstain from Cultism!!!!

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