Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Account

Tuesday a day I'd not soon forget ,the show of love for our fellow student really moved me,I  remember attempting to go to class and running into all those people, all rioting,all angry for the misfortune that fell on Rita and her friend, seeing all I truly regained hope for the youths of of this nation .

 But as there was Abel and there was Cain. I started noticing some
students taking pictures, changing poses to find the one pic that mattered, that brought out their best features and I had to ask myself, did someone just died or is Flavour coming to town ? (because I could even wash,starch and iron my top for that occasion ) both of course the "kill boko haram not Uniben students " posters was a reality check. I began asking questions about the deceased, from one person to another my spirit began to dwindle, a lot of people didn't know the story very well,others were just excited to be there and I kept getting different accounts of the incident, for instance "the girl was crossing the road then one police car just brushed her pass" others were "the girl was just strolling in the night when the army car just hit the girl and her friend" trust me the story went on and on, but like a hound on the hunt, it didn't take long before I found the truth from an eye witness and whose name I will not reveal (starting to feel like sherlock holmes)

And according to her in her own words "I was going home on Sunday , when I stopped on  the pedestrian lane in front of the school,  were the buses usually gather ,  on a call at the time I wanted to make sure I was done before I attempted to cross and that was when I saw it, an army vehicle  lost control, hit the demarcation and stopped, at the time i didn't even know someone had been hit and  medical attention didn't show up in time to help clarify the situation  because I didn't see any until i left" amidst tears and sobs the eyewitness recounted her tale.

I began to question God at this point, why? The eyewitness escaped by a hairs breadth else we would have been mourning the loss of three persons instead of two and yet amidst all this, some persons were frolicking like as though we were out for a black carnival. Why are we here? A life was lost, truncated from its stem the young plant had scarcely taken root,so young so sad. To our fallen comrades. Rest in peace, may you never be forgotten.

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