Sunday, October 11, 2015


  Today, unibentalkingdrum is one! I know we’re all asking; Is it one year already? I know right? Trust me, I got the goose bumps on my skin as well. Wow! How time flies at an. When I realized we were getting to our one year anniversary , I began humming Stylplus’s " 4 years don waka" although remixing it in my own way of course. It still feels like last week. I remember that day it all happened at Nescafe lounge and now it’s a whole year after. Babies have been born, people have graduated, Buhari is now president and we are still here. The beautifully indescribable feeling I get overwhelms me and leaves me short for words. I’m happy we did it.
Mind you, this is not some kind of speech, because if that where the case, I'd be too overwhelmed to know what to write. But it is just an opportunity for me, on behalf of Uniben Talking Drum to appreciate the effort of our team and more importantly, those that have believed in us and assisted us thus far, helping us actualize our ideas and bring us closer to our dreams. Life is full of ups and downs and we at Talking Drum have not been spared either, in this unexpected, bumpy and hard to deal with ride, our skins have been toughened, we've been refined, redefined and in the process we've been made resilient. We have come out of each bump better than we went in and so, for the ups and downs we have experienced, we are grateful.
We are grateful to God, the source of our strength and inspiration, the supplier of abundant grace and also the Author and Finisher of our faith. We would be absolutely nothing without God our giver of life.
My profound gratitude goes to Wale, who designed the first website. He proved to be amazing at his job. And he was a source of encouragement and he believed in the dream. Though we’ve had our differences, we have remained friends and I feel lucky that our paths crossed. To the Nescafe lounge team! We had our formal opening party in that lounge and as long as exists, they will always be part of our successes. We look forward to more opportunities to work with you guys. To Bambi photograpy. A fantastic photographer who is always willing to assist and render his services. We’re grateful. To Ify, Naza and Kemi! Ryhtm Fm buddies who also doubled as personal friends. We are grateful for your contribution and also being our voice on national radio to topical issues addressed on the website. God bless you guys.
want to appreciate the Talking Drum team itself. These guys are the best and the most inspirational pack I ever met. In the trying times they stayed and endured till they saw the light at the end of the tunnel, taking each day as it comes. Ogaga, Jessica, Feke, Adesuwa you guys are hard workers and you make the team work. I love you guys and I hope for better working relationships with you guys. To my brothers; Noel and Emmanuel; Tochukwu, Ejiro, Osas and Charles, thank you. I really don’t want to turn this into a name register but this reaches out also to all our mates and friends that have supported us and their various capacities. Thank you.
To Ejale and Emmanuel. These two guys are literally the Talking Drums and they deserve more than a Dangote trailer load of gratitude. Their invaluable support and work has allowed Uniben Talking Drum, see the light of each day. They have proven to be friends so loyal that they are my family. Their commitment to the team is somewhat scary and utterly commendable. They have shown a huge sense of duty and responsibility to Uniben talking Drum Even in the trying times their encouraging words was all I needed. Ejale doubles as a co-owner and also the creative director of Uniben Talking . Your creative mind has indeed blessed me. Emmanuel has been the technical backbone with his time and knowledge at our disposal. I don’t know how you do it man, you’re awesome. Without these two guys, there is no Uniben Talking Drum . A heartfelt “Thank you” is hardly enough but it’s the much I can give for now. I look forward to us growing together in this work as a team and as a family.

Uniben talking drum has come to stay and it remains dedicated to the purpose of its creation; providing information that entertains. In our unconventional ways grounded in utilizing our creativity as young adults, we will continue to break new grounds in information dissemination and entertainment and be the change we want to see in transforming our immediate society into a more cautious, creative and active one. Thank you .

Okojie Okhai
CEO, Unibentalkingdrum.

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