Tuesday, May 26, 2015

BUSINESS TUESDAY: 5 Business ideas for Uniben students


From practical observations, most Nigerian students are solely dependent and constrained to the Financial assistance offered by their parents. This has been observed, tested and even proven that  without the aid of a guardian, a typical Nigerian student cannot simply raise funds with simple ideologies and innovations. Now, what are the causes of these drawbacks? It is very Simple. Students are too traditional in the sense that they view the University as a place to get a degree and a degree only.
   This is very incoherent. A University is a merket, a society, a gathering, a pool of interest,  and sometimes could be referred to as a town.In fact, most people tend to become what they have already built right from their University days.Well, not to get you bored with all of those, we at the UnibenTalkingdrum have carried out a survey and have decided to compile Five hot niches/ ideas that will yield some good cash to you if practiced and taken into great consideration.
 Note: These ideas will not make you five billion dollars richer but it will enable you pay some bills and get some new shoes...stuff like that.

1. Publishing/Affiliate marketing: Affiliate marketing and publishing is a great niche right here in Campus. With so much information everywhere, Books are needed and these books need to be sold by distributors from Direct publishers. So you see how closely related they are. You can begin your publishing career from sites like createspace.com, lulu.com. With the affiliate system, you can sign up to be a Jumia consultant/affiliate and start rolling in some good cash.

2. Computer Programming/ Web design : Gone are the days people used to visit a cyber cafe just to check a mailbox. Right now, with the help of smart phones, things have been made less subtle. You can tap into the Computer World and become a developer and programmer. Website developing is a great niche if you really want to make it big. You can learn PHP/HTML within two  months and if taken seriously, you could as well become an expert and start making some cool cash.

3. Consultancy: Follow this saying..."A consultant never goes broke". Building yourself to become a consultant to solving problems and meeting other people's needs is quite easy, although it takes a while to master the art. You can dig into consultancy and become a freelancer, DJ, Show presenter, Bulk Sms consultant, photographer, event planner, make-up artist, fashionister, medical practitioner, film maker, music/video producer, photo editor and many more. There is loads of cash here, it's just a function of you making up your mind.

4. Retail Sales: There is high profit in retailing because you are selling directly to your consumers. A very good niche is Sales of Power banks. This is a hot niche in campus because Electricity is not a "SINE QUA NON". You can order this product at lesser prizes and resell them to your distinguished markets. Other products to consider for retail includes clothes, writing accessories, female accesories(weavons, bags and others),shoes, beads, belts, phones, laptop bags, jewelries and many more.

5. Party/ Event Promotion: You can come up with your own idea and create a show/Event. Tickets always sell well and if highy promoted, it could run into a passive income. This is a great niche too.

Bonus:  Webinars/Tutorials: If you are a genius in a particular field, why not sell your knowledge for wealth... (The wise will understand).

 PS: These ideas have been outlined considering some factors like your school schedule, lectures and the rest and yet still proves to be lucrative.


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