Friday, May 29, 2015

(I'M) POSSIBLE... From Dreams to Reality

Going through the major headlines as is my usual morning ritual, I couldn't overlook something that had caught my attention TWO TEEN BROTHERS BUILD MOBILE BROWSER, now this might not be c
onsidered such a feat in more western civilized countries but given our current socioeconomic variables I'm more inclined to give them kudos and elevate them above the status quo. Ages 13 and 15 respectively Osine Ikhianosime and Anesi Ikhianosime have succeeded in developing a mobile Web browser, Crocodile browser lite that works on the Android platform, they currently attend Green Springs school, Anthony campus Lagos state . It was reported that they initially started out of boredom, having learnt coding at the ages of 12 and 14, via the Internet. The interesting thing about the whole process is how early they've began to build their dreams, I've come to realize that, it's never too early to start creating the foundation for the sort of future one wants in life, never, did a great man wait till he got out of school before doing something great with his life, but sadly we live in a time where most parents are risk aversed and would rather you stay within the confines of the laid down institutions, graduate and get a 9-5, which in its self is not a bad idea, but if you want more, greatness and your name written on the sands of time, start now and go beyond what's being taught in the classrooms. Many of the billionaires we often site as examples when we try down playing the importance of education in fact dropped out not because of the unimportance of education but because they knew far more than what was being taught in class and that's why majority dropped out , the young men who inspired this article could easily have done anything else, video games, watch cartoons or went visiting friends and it would have been perfectly normal, but driven by their love for technology they took the path less travelled, because in life,  you can't be doing the same thing as the crowd and expect to stand out with the distinguished few. They've began to get accolades for their success and I can assure you they've barely began the best of them is yet to come should they sustain this tempo. Many reading this article are most likely in their late teens and some early twenties, I say to you, don't be discouraged, I once attended a lecture and the speaker divided our lives into three phases, morning phase 20-30, the afternoon phase 30-40 and evening phase 40-50. The one that most concerns us is the morning phase, 20-30. Here, he described as the point where you're tireless, your energy is boundless and there's no fear of failure at this stage the world is yours, all you need do is to stretch out your hands and grab it. Though checked by failure now and then, if you stay stead fast I assure you, nothing is beyond your grasp. You have gotten this far down the article and sadly it has come to an end but before I leave you I'll entreat you one thing, never be afraid to dream because the only limitation you'll ever have in life is you.

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