Friday, May 29, 2015

Morning Palaver

Early as the sun rises, the light of the moon fades away. Constantly our bodies get lifted from our beds. No oracle needs to be performed to actually tell you how sweet a feeling it is to be alive. The mind is fresh, the spirit is alive and the body is strong.

Just as you are about to lift your feet off from the ground, you suddenly realise it's a Saturday. How often do you always get such feeling? Well, I guess nobody really knows. Great isn't it? You suddenly cannot wait to grab a taste of that hot sausage in bread perfectly toasted the way you like. Just in the middle of it all, you are about to brush your teeth, and run straight to the dinning table to have such a good feeling with your stomach there, your mother screams your name aloud saying; Ojo wake up!!! "You still dey sleep by this time? Abeg stand up go feed those fish."

Ps: Good morning!    Follow us on facebook , Follow us on instagram

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