Sunday, July 19, 2015

Food for thought: The Power of positive thinking

Having a positive mindset is solely the foundation of every accomplishment. There are so many factors that contributes to your success and way of life, but solely it depends on your Mindset. The way you see life is a function of what you think of it or what it truly is. Now, get this right.

There are only two perceptions towards life itself. The way it truly is and
the way you perceive it to be. If you go about living life the way you perceive it to be, then you may end up having a non fulfilled life except it concurs with the way Life truly is. This is so true and mysterious that we as humans often tend not to have a feel for what it truly is. Logically, it is proven that those who live life for the way it truly is are most times referred to as wise and self attractive. This is because, they understand the fundamentals of what life truly brings and they take advantage of it. These kind of people often enjoy what they do and do it happily and then become Great by involving the art of Mastery.

 So, how does one really get a good feel for positivity. They tell you that substitution is the key, but truly it's worth more than substitution. If you think replacing a negative thought with a positive one is all it takes, how about if i tell you that not every thought is yours. Some are just a reflection of what you don't think they are.

 I urge you today to follow the way of Christ, because, only through him will your thoughts spring forth blessings,prosperity, wisdom, goodwill, favor and Life itself. Stay positive and enjoy your evening.

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