Saturday, July 18, 2015


#TheMIXER2015 was an idea created by VISIVE, a brand solutions and Advertising agency, geared towards bringing together business personalities and professionals in various fields all under one roof, so they could cross pollinate ideas, and probably form productive alliances.

The Mixer was held on the 17th of July 2015 at the NESCAFE LOUNGE and it was graced by professional from diverse industries. We had musicians , Choreographers, Models, Fashion Designers, Stylists, Photographers, Jewelry and Accessory creators, Writers etc.

 it was indeed an awesome networking session, as all the participants broke into 4 groups to brain storm to create a new  idea after which Jeremy Akpomera (a Partner at VISIVE) did a marvelous powerpoint presentation on BRAND DEVELOPMENT. A general interactive session with questions and answers began and after about 30mins of exciting and passionate questions and responses filled room, the session was wrapped up and each group had to write out the ideas created.

The event was concluded by Oke Etisioro (Principal Partner at VISIVE), who gave a brief summary about VISIVE as an organization  and the event was wrapped up by Ekama Choba who took  the closing prayers.
A cross section of the crowd during the question and answer session .