Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Hello, 2016

We at UnibenTalkingDrum do wish everyone a very happy and successful New Year. Last year left us a lot of memories, some good which we are grateful for and some bad which we have learnt from. But hey, its 2016. The past is gone but the lessons learnt are still with us.

Its time to get it right. Every time is a time to get it right. That project you said you said you’d embark on in 2014, you pushed it to 2015 and now its 2016 and you haven’t started. Biko, start it! Do not wait for “the perfect time”. Now is as perfect as it would ever be. Start working. Create. Sing that song, write that story, learn that skill, play that instrument, read that book, travel to that place, help that person, do something different. This is how we shall find happiness and fulfillment in 2016.  

Toast that babe.

Let’s fill our vessels with positive energy, follow our dreams, break new grounds, kick ass and be a blessing to others.

Don’t carry last.

The reggae has finished playing, it is time for the blues of seriousness to serenade us.

Have a great year ahead, blessings.

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