Friday, May 29, 2015


Hello! Today I'm going to be bringing to our attention a subtle yet distinguishing factor in the world of male fashion often referred to as accessories, basically accessories are those little items you add to your apparel that gives it a bit of edge and an additional flavor. The purpose of accessories is simple , unlike our female folk who have a wide variety of choices from, gowns, to crop top, jump suit, bum shorts etc and the list can literally go on forever, but we on the other hand of the male variety
are stuck with a very limited amount of options and as we are mostly students whose fashion sense is geared towards the college setting, our options tends to get smaller, so it's not strange to see a large number of boys in one place with the same sort of get up, with the only prominent difference being the colors of the outfits, sad isn't it but as the alpha fashion conscious male you live to be noticed and to stand out from the horde and that's were accessories come in, they're those little fashion items that make the whole difference, the list is quite exhausting but given our audience, our list has been tailored to fit the student budget. Now here goes ;
1) Wrist Watch: Many are of the erroneous belief that wrist watch is used solely to tell the time, well that may be true as it's secondary function but primarily it's used to give class giving its wearer a distinguishing feature, why else do designer watches like Rolex, piguet, Bell and Ross and Swatch cost as much as they do when you can as well check your phone to check the time, after all more often than not the mobile phones are more accurate but it's that flair that we're going for , now I'm not suggesting you break the bank and go get yourself a wrist watch that cost fifty thousand naira , all I'm saying is, wear one. Be it chain or leather (black or brown)  A wrist watch is something that will definitely make that difference and will get you noticed in the right way. 

2) The male Satchel : popularly referred to as the cross-bag, many a time the conventional way of transferring and carrying books is the back pack, if you okay being one of the boys cool, but if you are looking to make an impression, the satchel is something I definitely recommend that you go for and add your typical everyday get up. 

3) The nerd glasses : What we refer to as geek glasses, it was made popular by the Ray Ban design with time, other designers have filtered into the Nigerian market, fake mostly, but it still produces the desired effect given you that hipster look. 

4) Bracelets : This cuts across Chambala beads, Ghanaian beads, leather straps etc now it's one I highly recommend. I'm not suggesting you wear twenty and you start resembling a herbalist/Magician (this I'm sometimes guilty of)  but even if it's just a single bracelet, there's a different perception that people get off you the moment you start spotting one on your wrist, sadly our female folk tend to obtain (collect)  it from us as often as possible, but fear not, it's not so expensive so it's fairly easy to replace. 

        So there you have it, some subtle ways to add that extra spice to your apparel that'll definitely leave you looking dapper. 
                                                        Ejale VI

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