Friday, May 29, 2015

Improve your Memory Index

 Scientifically, there are more than 88 billion brain cells in the human body. These brain cells perform their various duties according to their abilities and strength. Now the question here is, would you stress this brain cells or leave them dormant? Here are some easy tips to improving your Memory Index.

1. Drink enough Water: The human body comprises of 75% water. Leaving the body dehydrated could actually cause serious damage even though it won't happen immediately. You need to take water water and lots of it to boost the brain cells(neurons) so as to function properly the right way it ought. Not drinking enough water can also lead to tiredness which is caused by ineffectiveness of some part of the brain, the cerebrum to be precise.

2. Believe that you will not forget: This sounds crazy but it works a billion. "Credo ut Intelligam". Believe that you won't forget things easily and you shall begin to perceive a taste for higher memory index.

 3.Quit Masturbation: Masturbation adds no positive value to your health. It only takes away your strength mentally and physically. Avoid masturbation and other devices that would make you feel crack brained.

4. Put in more work: Do not try to improve your memory index by memorizing words. Instead put in more work by relaxing the brain via exercises, balanced diet and good night rest. This will help you a whole lot.

 5. Avoid being tensed and nervous: Everyone is somehow inclined to nervousness sometimes, but some persons just take it as their own entitlement. Create a calm scenario for yourself because a great memory capacity thrives better in a pacified environment.

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