Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Ten Reasons Why you Shouldn't Be Broke.

Being broke is not a condition, it's a State of Mind. If it were a condition, then there would be an Effect triggered by a Cause. Like they always say, "poverty is a disease". It's not actually a disease but an illusion of the mind that happens to affect a person's financial status. The notable Karl Max stated in his postulate that "Every man's thought is as a result of his financial situation"... let's not get too sticky with that. Here are the Ten reasons you shouldn't be broke.

1. It makes You humble unnecessarily: Have you been so broke that even your juniors seem like your elders? Pls avoid being broke.

2. You lose your respect: Respect is a stigma to every man. When you are broke that stigma suddenly fades away.

3. You Think of rich people as evil doers: Like karl max rightly said, "Every man's thought is as a result of his financial status". Correct! Right there your thoughts are already tasting a grasp of poverty.

4. You cannot afford the things you desire: Although man's taste increases directly proportional to his income, that doesn't mean the good taste isn't there.

5. You cannot Command Authority: Money is powerful. If you lack it, you are as good as not having sense.

6.Being Broke makes you reason stupid things: If only you could read the minds of a broke person. He's probably thinking of where to pick a thousand dollars from the ground. Who's actually going to misplace such mulla anyway.

7. It kills your confidence: You begin to see rich people as aliens and it gets so awful that you cannot even speak when you need to.

8. You may just start believing your own lies: By this, you probably may just start believing yourself when you say "Money is not everything". Fine. It isn't everything but it answers almost everything.

9. You Start feeling like the World is Bias: This is vividly clear. Being broke expands your mind to very many negative emotions. It takes only a cheerful heart to overcome the appeal to negativity and rejection.

 10. It makes you Cranky and superstitious: Being broke is a cruel feeling. It actually makes a man go angry easily and read meanings to every slight issue that doesn't even need much attention.

PS: Avoid being broke by not accepting it in your heart. This is the first step to Financial freedom and elevation.

1 comment:

  1. Dats jux d height..cnt stop laughing
